The Atlanta Jupyter User Group is a local community of designers, developers and scientists using Jupyter notebooks.
The user group meetings are afforable events that host 40-50 Jupyter users from the nearby Atlanta Metro Area. They will attract designers, developers, and scientists solving problems in applications that include:
“Open source, interactive data science and scientific computing across over 40 programming languages”
Project Jupyter is all about bringing today’s best open source software to anyone that needs to work with data. You can try the Notebook, Jupyter’s web-based exploratory computing environment, today through free online services like SageMathCloud and Binder. Or, Jupyter can be easily installed on your personal Linux, OSX or Windows computer. If you support many users, JupyterHub can bring your compute resources and data to your users and groups with a powerful, familiar user experience.
Atlanta Jupyter User Group Meeting are inclusive events for designers, developers, and scientists who:
Community doesn’t mature properly with free events. And hot krispy kreme donuts aren’t free.
Jupyter is a diverse piece of software that supplies value in different domains and programming languages. The Atlanta Jupyter User Group Meeting uses Jupyter as a medium to bring people together and blend ideas across the diverse tecnology space in the Atlanta Metro region.
This source code is intended to be a Jupyter notebook specific means of organizing events. After the first event, there will be a first a release of this tool; which will be used for the second event on Dec 16, 2017.
!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown faq.ipynb
!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown --MarkdownExporter.exclude_input=True index.ipynb
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook faq.ipynb to markdown
[NbConvertApp] Writing 1010 bytes to
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook index.ipynb to markdown
[NbConvertApp] Writing 4295 bytes to